"State government does not happen in a marble building with a golden dome, on a hill in a faraway city. State government happens right here, in our community."
How I Can Help
Constituent Services
As a State Representative’s office, my team is able to connect with State Agencies on your behalf to receive more information on difficulties or delays in your receipt of State benefits. Examples of agencies we liaise with include the RMV, the Department of Unemployment Assistance, MassHealth, and more.
Contact my office for assistance with any State Agency!
A second part of my job as the State Representative for Pittsfield is to both vote on potential new laws and prioritize bills I have filed. Each session over 6,000 bills are filed by both myself and my colleagues in the legislature. These bills cover issues from health care coverage to child welfare issues, to education system changes, and more. A fraction of these bills includes my personal legislative priorities that I work to advance for both my constituents and the larger Commonwealth.
I am here to advocate for your legislative priorities out of the 6,000+ bills that are filed. If you have thoughts, comments, or ideas pertaining to legislation, please reach out to my office to share your voice.

I have made it a central tenet of my tenure as your state representative to be accessible, approachable, and effective. I wake up each day with the needs of the people of Pittsfield on my mind. How can we best address our housing challenges? How do we best support our schools and families? How do we support our small businesses? How do we get people back to work or support them while unemployed? How do we address food insecurity? How do we address racial and income disparities that create barriers to advancement? These are significant challenges facing us today and I am working on Beacon Hill and in our Pittsfield community to address them.
In my time as your State Representative, we have made progress on increasing funding for our K-12 schools, codifying rights for foster parents, allowing all residents of Massachusetts regardless of their immigration status the ability to apply for a standard Massachusetts driver’s license, supporting local non-profits and organizations through budget funding, addressing sexual violence on college campuses, and so much more.
I am grateful for your support, and I look forward to continuing to lead on these issues, and on other issues facing our city and our Commonwealth.
Thank you for your support,
Tricia Farley-Bouvier
How to Contact Rep. Tricia
For assistance with constituent matters, questions about legislation, and everything in between reach Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier at:
The Pittsfield Office*
431 North St
Pittsfield, MA 01201
(413) 442-4300
The Boston Office
State House, Room 274
Boston, MA 02133
(617) 722-2676
*Please direct all correspondence to my Pittsfield address.